msTracker Site Licenses

A growing number of publishers no longer wish to pay recurring tithings to the likes of ScholarOne and Editorial Manager. For these publishers, site licenses are a great way to cut costs, eliminate recurring charges, and seamlessly integrate peer review management into their websites. Site license clients are free to develop the code in anyway they wish, by the hand of any developer they choose.

System Requirements

msTracker requires very little in terms of RAM and CPU. As the saying goes, "It will run forever on the fumes of an oily rag." The amount of disk space needed depends on the number of submissions. Multiplying your number of submissions by three will give an estimate of the megabytes necessary. Completed files can be archived to free space.

The host should have the ability to send unlimited emails and upload files of at least 25 MB. These are settings that can be easily changed in most cases.

Most servers provide the ability to run PHP 8 and have database software such as MySQL or MariaDB pre-installed.


It takes 4-6 weeks to deploy the turnkey system for a first journal, and less than an hour for publications thereafter. During the initial deployment, we review and test the code for portability and create headers and footers fashioned after your site.

Week 1: Coding, header/footer creation, font and color matching
Week 2: Testing on
Week 3: Deployment on
Week 4: Testing and training
Week 5: Activation of first journal


The cost for a first journal is $2000 (regularly $5000) for a limited time. Additional licenses are $1000 each. Per-manuscript and flat-rate hosted options are also available.

Care and Feeding

Once deployed, little attention is needed. The ability to run file and database backups can be learned by non-specialists in about an hour. Training is provided.