msTracker Pricing

Have the stakeholders for your publication(s) come to desire an accessible, mobile-friendly manuscript management system that is faster, more reliable, and easier to use than its competitors? If so, msTracker offers three pricing options. All are designed to reduce the human and financial costs associated with peer review management.

Per-manuscript Pricing

Per-manuscript pricing is a good option for publications receiving fewer than 200 new submissions per year. We handle the initial setup, migration of person records, daily backups, and server administration. The cost for this service is $10/new manuscript. Revised submissions are free and there are no start-up or maintenance costs. Customizations are available at competitive rates.

Flat-rate Pricing

Flat-rate pricing is a good option for publications receiving more than 200 new submissions per year, or for those wishing to have stability and predictability in their budgeting. The flat rate of $2000 per year, billed and determined quarterly, covers an unlimited number of new submissions and their revisions. We handle the initial setup, migration of person records, daily backups, and server administration. There are no start-up or maintenance costs. Customizations are available at competitive rates.

Site Licenses

A growing number of publishers no longer wish to pay recurring tithings to the likes of ScholarOne and Editorial Manager. For these publishers, site licenses are a great way to cut costs, eliminate recurring charges, and seamlessly integrate manuscript processing into their websites. Site license clients are free to develop the code in anyway they wish, by the hand of any developer they choose. More Info

Further Information

Our video library provides tutorials that introduce the system in as little as 10 minutes. A self-guided demonstration can be completed in about half an hour.

Please contact us if you might be interested in a virtual meeting to discuss msTracker, or to arrange a demonstration site specific to your publication.